Xi goes to the production facility in Tianshui

In the course of an inspection at Tianshui City located in Gansu Province, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited an apple production site to study developments in the production of fruit. This was a part of a larger visit that included Baoji City in Shaanxi Province as well as Tianshui in Gansu between Tuesday afternoon and the morning of Wednesday.

The base for apple production situated within Maiji District. Maiji District, was established in 2005. The base spans three towns and 25 villages that cover 10,000 acres. This is regarded as an example of modern agriculture that combines apple production with technological advances as well as tourism and activities for education. By collaborating with top manufacturers and distributors, the base has been able to improve its marketing strategies and implemented diverse marketing strategies that ensure an increase in the sales of apples on the marketplace.

The year 2023 saw the first time that China report showed an annual production of 220,000 tonnes, estimated at 600 million Yuan (84.27 millions U.S. dollars). The apple sector within the region has helped the local economy. the per-capita earnings from the fruit industry rising to over 8,000 Yuan (1,123 U.S. dollars) which benefited 9,163 households as well as 41,000 people.

Source: Bastille Post Global

Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies