Ukraine is experiencing a 16 percent increase in prices for onions

Analysts working for The EastFruit project have noticed the increase in prices for onions in the market of Ukraine since beginning of this week. This increase in prices could be caused by the weather that is in a severe storm and heavy rains that have swept through the southern regions of Ukraine, slowing harvesting. The result is the reduction of supply as well as an increase in the cost of onion. At present, the range of prices for onion is said to be between 10 and 15 UAH/kg ($0.24-0.36/kg) and represents an average by 16% over last week. This price increase can also be attributed to rising demand from wholesalers.

The harsh weather conditions are not just affecting the harvest, but also expected to impact the quality of onions being harvested in the fields. However, despite these issues most of the high-quality onions are being held by the farmers who prefer to offer only limited quantity. Additionally, the data taken from EastFruit’s EastFruit monitors on a daily basis shows that the average cost for onions within Ukraine coincides with prices from last year.

Source: East-Fruit

Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies