“These high-quality varieties are expected to create new opportunities for the Chinese market for blueberries.”

Blueberries imported from the United States are the mainstay of the Chinese market. They are mainly coming through Peru and Chile and available between the second portion of the year up to about Chinese New Year but the current harvest is prolonged because of El Nino. El Nino phenomenon. However, Chinese blueberries are produced all year. FreshPlaza has recently held an interview about the blueberry industry with. Huan Zhang, founder of Twinkle Star Berry Co. Ltd. discussing particular characteristics that distinguish Chinese blueberries compared to imported ones in addition to the development trajectories and opportunities in the Chinese blueberry market.

“The fierce competition in the Chinese market stems from the local produced blueberries”

Mr. Zhang stated the fact that the landscape of competition for blueberries in China is primarily based on cultivating varieties grown in China. Zhang further explained “Peruvian blueberries and Chilean blueberries are primarily aimed at export markets and leverage geographical as well as climatic benefits. The fierce competition that exists within the Chinese market is due to the domestically blueberries grown and harvested, which is aided by the vast areas of plantation all across China and indicating significant competition tensions.”

In analyzing the distinctive characteristics and advantages in Peruvian as well as Chilean blueberries In his analysis of the unique characteristics and merits of Chilean blueberries, the Mr. Zhang noted, “Peruvian blueberries, which require early harvesting to export, are a success in cold chain logistics however, they can be difficult to make direct comparisons against Yunnan blueberries. The production period that runs from June through February, is a great way to supplement China’s shorter blueberry harvest times.”

He added “Chilean blueberries, which will hit the Chinese market in November, will face competition issues in comparison to Yunnan blueberries that are already in the market. Regarding types, Chilean offerings encompass northern highbush as well as traditional southern highbush and Peru has a variety of superior new southern highbush varieties which are distinguished by size, firmness and taste.”

In discussing the differences between Chinese blueberries and Peruvian blueberries The spokesman for Zhang discussed the differences between Peruvian and Chinese blueberries. Zhang emphasized the disparate goals for market and operating models however he also pointed out some significant aspects. “Yunnan blueberries currently are the sole equivalent to imported blueberries, and they exhibit extraordinary high-quality. But Peru could have long-term benefits because of lower costs for labor which could impact price competitiveness. Additionally, Peru boasts a diverse selection of varieties, which can lead to an increasingly vibrant blueberry market.”

“This is poised to take a significant step towards China. Chinese China market.”

The trends in the development of the industry encompass three major aspects that include consumption, cultivation and the variety. The speaker Mr. Zhang elucidated that China’s blueberry industry is witnessing growth in demand and supply, indicating an enormous amount of room to improve industrial processes. Furthermore, the introduction of new varieties as well as new business models could be a boon for the Chinese blueberry market’s expansion in the near future.

“Cultivation-wise, Yunnan has witnessed an increase in production, as Shandong is in the process of modernizing the cultivation methods and cultivars. In Shandong the case of Shandong, for example the northern highbush blueberries are grown using substrate techniques and solar greenhouses are increasing, thereby boosting the demand of the supply.”

“On the consumer side Blueberries are experiencing an explosive growth in popularity according to data that show a 40% growth in demand in China in the last five years. Its popularity has spread to cities in the third and fourth tiers and has penetrated all selling channels and resulting in an increase in sales costs.”

Concerning the different varieties regarding varieties, the Mr. Zhang anticipates that Yunnan blueberries will lead the way in the growth of varieties that are newly developed in a massive way. In particular, Sekoya, an influential economic system that is now poised to take a major step into China. Chinese market.

The world-renowned Northern highbush varieties, Sekoya’s presence will likely to spur growth and opportunity in this Chinese blueberry landscape. Shandong’s areas of production could see the introduction of representative varieties such as Fall Creek and Sekoya, creating new opportunities for both Shandong as well as Anhui.

After completing a Ph.D. in tiny berries Then, Dr. Zhang Huan launched Twinkle Star Berry, offering professional and technical services to both local as well as international businesses in the berry industry. In the spirit of promoting interactions and collaboration among Chinese and foreign companies in berry production and companies, Mr. Zhang endeavors to propel the industry forward to new heights.

More details:

Twinkle Star Berry Co. Ltd.
Huan Zhang
Tel: +86 15339234241

Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies