The Macadamia farmers want greater control of exports

Kenyan macadamia growers are calling an overhaul of the regulations governing exports of macadamia nuts in raw form as well as other oilseeds, in order to restrict the power of Agriculture Cabinet Secretary on exports. They are proposing the establishment of an authority to control prices in order to control the export market and fight cartels that affect the prices at which farmers can buy their products. At a recent conference more than 1,200 farmers voiced concern that the Agricultural and Food Authority (AFA) Act grants the Cabinet Secretary an excessive amount of authority. This is being misused to harm the interests of farmers. It is true that the AFA Act restricts raw macadamia as well as cashews exports and requires certain approvals and checks prior to the clearance. Farmers are of the opinion that rewriting the law would be better protected their rights.


Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies