The Kissabel apple, a time of growth in the Southern Hemisphere

Australia, Chile and South Africa are the three countries which are setting the stage to increase the production of Kissabel(r) apples that hail from in the Southern Hemisphere. The harvest of the apples with different colors ranging between deep red and pink began during the months of February through April in the region of southern and is a major new era in the field of varietal research and commercialization.

The partners of the IFORED program that are dedicated to the improvement of Kissabel apples. These include the Southern Hemisphere Montague (Australia), Unifrutti (Chile), Mono Azul (Argentina), DuToit (South Africa) and Yummy Fruit (New Zealand).

“Kissabel is a worldwide program and we’re happy to have the knowledge of some of the most reputable collaborators throughout the Southern Hemisphere,” commented Emmanuel de Lapparent, manager of IFORED. IFORED program. “Our Red-flesh product line is a new and exciting development for the industry of apples and every year we’re making strides towards more and more high-quality fruits that have a stunning design and a delicious flavor.”

Australia is the only country within the region with the sales season in full swing and this year began in March and continues through early June. In order to increase the brand’s reputation and generating market demand, Montague’s partners Montague established an integrated marketing strategy which includes the use of PR, sampling in stores as well as collaborations with influential people as well as partnerships with restaurants and bakeries. It also offers tastings in The Orchard located at Montague The company’s flagship retail store.

Kissabel participated in also taking part in the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show The apple received a warm welcome from the hundreds of people who tried the apples. These initiatives will set the basis for the anticipated rise in volume over the next few years.

Unifrutti in Chile has also seen growth in Kissabel. The pilot orchards provided samples for shipping for shipment to Central as well as South America between mid-March and April. The aim is to expand the window for commercial sales, and this is done the evaluation of different varieties of red flesh specifically suited for the conditions of the land.

For South Africa, the DuToit Group continues to test the varieties available, testing a variety of varieties within its apple orchards which have already been sold in different nations. We hope to be able to offer the first stocks to be semi-commercial in 2025. The test phase is being conducted in Argentina as well as New Zealand.

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Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies