The almond crop in California may be the third biggest on record.

California’s almond crop is predicted to grow increase this year and could end up being the third-largest ever recorded.

USDA agriculture economics Catherine Weber stated: “California’s almond production in 2023 in terms of shelf space is projected at 2.6 billion pounds, which is up 1percent from the previous harvest. If the forecast is realized, 2023’s almond harvest would be third highest ever recorded after 2021 and 2020. Although water availability was a small issue this year due to the unusually cold temperatures as well as stormy conditions in the almond bloom affected pollination. Although the initial 2023 yield estimates are down by 1 percentage from previous years fairing acres are projected to exceed a record 1.38 million. That’s an increase of 30,000 acres from 2022,” said

It is widely known that California is the sole source of almonds in the US and supplies around 80 percent of the global almonds.


Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies