The agro-exports of Peru are expected to increase in 2024, fueled by avocados and blueberries, in the context of rising demand for food worldwide

The global demand for food is expected to grow by between 50 and 60 percentage over the next decade due to increasing population and evolving eating habits, the agriculture sector is on the frontline of meeting this need. The growth of urban populations, the increase in buying capacity in emerging markets as well as a shift to more diversifying diets are key reasons behind this increase. In spite of the social and economic significance of food, accounting for eight percent of worldwide trade of goods but the industry is not without challenges, including food waste which accounts for one third of the food consumed worldwide. This problem highlights the necessity for new and sustainable methods of the production of food and distribution.

To meet these demands fruit like blueberries, grapes, avocados and mandarins have experienced an increase in demand on international markets. This is due to the shift to healthier practical, sustainable, and functional products. Latin America, and particularly Peru is playing a key contribution to meeting this demand because of its rich biodiversity and advantages within the agricultural export sector.

The agro-export growth reached new levels, the exports grew by 14.6 percent from January to September, compared with the year before. The growth was largely fueled to the agricultural sector which saw fruits such as avocados and blueberries being the main drivers. Exports from Peru were headed towards 170 countries and a significant portion of them being sent to China and China, the United States, and the European Union. Peru’s regions that are diverse include Huanuco, Ucayali, and Puno are exhibiting impressive growth in exports, showing the vitality regional economies to the success of Peru’s exports to agriculture.

The Peruan agroindustrial sector has seen significant growth, especially in exports of fresh fruits. Avocados and blueberries have been important drivers, and blueberry exports account for 30 percent of the world market. The reason for this is the high quantity of Peruvian blueberries as well as the development of genetic innovations and diversification of markets. Growing demand for avocados and mango exports also demonstrates Peru’s ability to be a leader in the sector of exporting fruits.

As we look ahead, Peru has the opportunity to increase its exports through the development of strategic fruit crops which align with the global trend in the direction of sustainable, healthy foods. The future of Peru’s agricultural export sector is looking promising focused on high-quality, organic items. There are challenges to overcome and include the need to build value chains, promote the development of agricultural innovations, and encourage strategic alliances. The ability to overcome these obstacles is crucial for Peru to strengthen its standing as a major exporter of agro products worldwide.

Source: Blueberry Consulting

Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies