Tata the new Moroccan producer of vegetables?

In a period when changes in the climate are putting pressure on Morocco as it is enduring six consecutive years of drought and is drying down the table of water in one of the largest agricultural regions It is now crucial to find new agricultural areas. This is the reason it was that Ygrane cooperative was established in the province of southeastern Tata.

Tata is an arid area in which commercial production of agricultural products has since the beginning been limited to times. But, “the region has great potential, yet to be tapped,” says Mbark Kaffa who is a farmer and a part of the Ygrane cooperative. “Tata has fertile soils with a deep water table and plenty of light and bright sunlight that can allow the creation of more photosynthesis hours. The fruits and vegetables were always grown in the region even on a small level, but the quantity of goods that can be manufactured here is awe-inspiring. It is now time to make the region an industrial production center which is why we’re honored being the first in the region to follow that route.”

The Ygrane cooperative began its operation by launching a commercial trial of 20 hectares of a variety of early vegetable. Mbark explains: Mbark states, “We developed our own pepper seeds in collaboration with of the Turkish seed firm. We grew 8 hectares of peppers during this season which was satisfying, yielding of 60 tons per hectare and sizes of 40 – 60, when we began planting later. Once we begin planting in the next season on time it will be higher. There are also 10 hectares planted with beans, 2 hectares of tomatoes and one hectare dedicated to testing other crops. We also have additional land that we grow according to customer demands. As an example, we’ve reached a agreement for beans with a grocery chain located in Europe that will put the beans in production before the start of next year’s season.”

In contrast to the model of production within the Agadir region and the Agadir region, the Ygrane cooperative is able to produce on open fields. “This provides us with a business benefit, since it significantly lowers our expenses, keeping in mind that the unique conditions of Tata province is conducive to cultivation in open fields with high yields and it coincides with the region’s agroecological farming techniques.”

Tata cultivators can enjoy a huge benefit: “The region is isolated and the commercial scale production is a new concept. Therefore, we are not afflicted with the presence of diseases that create disturbances in other regions for example, Tobrf found in tomatoes or diseases that attack cucumbers. Our only issue is salinity. However, it is not too high and can be managed with irrigation.”

Mbark prior to the start of production through major commercial initiatives participating in most important trade fairs, including Fruit Logistica and Fruit Attraction. “On the market and commercial opening side, we’ve been blessed with a lot of help through Mbark’s Import Promotion Desk, an initiative by the German government that allows Mbark to participate in large events. Additionally, we’ve made strides in the process of obtaining certification, and expect to receive GLOBALG.A, P, GRASP, BIO, SMETA this season, as well as SMETA & BIO Credit Carbon the following season. In terms of production We also have benefited from the backing by the Governor of Tata Province of Tata, Salh Eddine Amal who was a believer in our idea, assisted its implementation, and followed its progress, along with the different departments in the Ministry of Agriculture”.

“The collaboration from all the parties involved and the high quality of products, as well as the high-quality agricultural practices have paid off,” adds the grower. “We are already in contract with clients from Europe, including the UK, Germany, and the Netherlands and are also being able to supply the market in Tata. This proves not just the technical viability of the vegetable industry in Tata but also the commercial feasibility.”

As part of the agriculture and it is also the case that Ygrane Cooperative has launched a pack house and cold storage facility in Tata. Tata. Mbark says, “The construction of the station has been infused by the same spirit as the agroecology movement and sustainable growth. The station is entirely powered by solar power which can save many of the expenses. The facility is air conditioned, which increases longevity of the products with no interruption within the chain of cold. The station is also utilized for other goods including dates.”

Similar to other agriculture-based production zones like other new areas of production, the Tata region is still lacking the infrastructure needed to compete with important Moroccan agricultural areas. Mbark declares, “It’s true that more infrastructure is required, however it’s a good situation. Tata’s geographical position Tata will require a 5 hour additional transport time over Agadir However, due to the station for packaging it doesn’t affect the shelf life of product. The change in the area is just beginning as new public as well as private investments are expected shortly.”

The opening ceremony of Ygrane packing facility that was hosted by the Minister of Agriculture, Mohammed Sadiki, as well as the governor of the area as well as the governor of the region, served as an opportunity to review the infrastructure that is needed to be built in the near term. When presenting this project The Minister of Agriculture said that the region holds great potential, and many crops could be grown due to the climate and availability of water. He also announced plans made by the Ministry working in conjunction with local authorities to enhance irrigation systems.

For further information, click here.

Mbark Kaffa

Ygrane Cooperative

Tel: +212661236800

Email: m.kaffa@gmail.com

Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies