Prices for vegetables in Punjab reach a record low of six years

The Information and Culture Minister for Punjab, Azma Bokhari, revealed a dramatic reduction in prices for vegetables throughout Punjab and attributed this decrease to the proactive actions adopted by the Chief Minister Punjab, Maryam Nawaz Sharif.

Bokhari denied claims of price increases for vegetables as not true, citing current prices of various vegetables to show evidence of the decrease. First-grade potatoes, for instance cost currently 70 rupees per kg. 70 per kilogram, and those of second-grade are priced at 60 rupees. 60 per kg. Similar to onions, they have also seen the price drop from. 250 to. 100/kg during the last three months. Prices for lady-finger tomatoes and tomato are also down significantly.

The minister admitted a brief rise in the price of lemons because of increased demand, but expected a decline when the spring season arrives. The efforts to control the price of vegetables consist of weekly price-control meetings facilitated by CM Sharif as well as regular market inspections conducted of administrative officers. The goal is to guarantee affordable prices, especially on major celebrations like Eid-ul-Adha.

“Rs 100 equals EUR0.33 [ Rs 100 = EUR0.33


Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies