Recently released data on prices for bananas shows significant weekly variations in the major global markets. Belize as a part of the ACP group has seen the average cost in the range of PS0.90 per kilogram. This represents an 5.15 percentage increase over the week prior. The increase could be due to the regional shortage of supplies or a higher demand for European markets.
However, Colombia, classified under dollar economies, kept a steady cost per kilogram for the week that was PS0.84 per kilogram. It showed there was no variation from the previous week. This suggests an equilibrium in demand-supply dynamics that is likely aided by steady exports towards North American and European destinations.
Costa Rica, another Dollar economy, saw a small growth in the amount of 1.15 percent, and the price increasing by a mere PS0.96 for a kilogram. This modest increase demonstrates the robustness to the strength of Costa Rican exports amidst global economic uncertainty. These developments highlight the dynamic nature of the trade in bananas that is influenced by regional influences as well as international demand for markets.
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Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies