Photo Report Asia Fruit Logistica 2024

The two first days of Asia Fruit Logistica 2024, which took place on the island of Hong Kong last week (4-6 September 2024) and were considered to be a complete success by the exhibitor and attendees. In spite of the two days of good start however, the uncertainty surrounding the Typhoon and the missed start because of the T8 warnings in Hong Kong is what most attendees will be able to remember.

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The opening day of the fair was full of activity. Over 600 exhibitor from 38 countries gathered together to exhibit a vast variety of vegetable and fruit items. Two varieties of fruit that made an impression and were abundantly were apple, pears and a assortment of fruits. It included strawberries, blueberries and raspberries, which were enthusiastically consumed by guests at the show. China came out as the country with the highest number of exhibitors in terms of the amount of Chinese exhibitors increasing in 12 percent when compared to the previous year.

Other Asian markets appear to be performing well. As for India exporting its grapes to Europe was a challenge because of concerns over the Red Sea situation, but India has discovered an alternative that is viable within Russia. Since fewer grapes are making their way into Russia from different countries this was an excellent place to sell the grapes of India. A few Italian apple and pear producers claimed that demand from China as well as Asia in general is great, however the Red Sea challenges prevent them from delivering the fruit.

Exporters of Latin America continue to see potential opportunities for expansion to Asia. To be successful in those who are targeting the Asian market, the quality as well as the look of the product are crucial, such as the size, shape, colour as well as flavour. The certifications, on the other hand are required in Europe as well as the U.S., are less crucial.

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Taste is the most important thing

The exhibits at the fair there were a wide variety of exotic fruit and vegetables. To be able to compete in those who are interested in the Asian market, it’s crucial that potential buyers to sample diverse items. Therefore, the majority of firms brought their own samples. exhibitors were focused on getting their exhibits set up and making sure that their offerings are appealing to buyers.

In addition to the exotic items of produce displayed the show also is notable for the participation of businesses that are specialized in research and development of varieties, seeds and development, breeding technology and the cultivation of nursery plants. Numerous exhibitors showcase their latest innovations within the vegetable and fruit seeds industry.

In the end, all in all, exhibitors from China along with other nations reported a favorable opening to the event, with a lot of interest in their goods from all over Asia. Many companies stated that they were pleased with the potential customers and orders they’d already received.

A threat from Super Typhoon Yagi affecting on the final and second day of the Asia fruit Logistica

Super Typhoon Yagi which was close to Hong Kong. Hong Kong saw organizers opening at a time earlier than usual in the afternoon of the event. Participants and exhibitors said that they took full advantage of the additional time in the form of rescheduling events to on Thursday. It was ironic that during the Asia Fruit Logistica 2023 conference, the most severe rainfall in 150 years struck Hong Kong and prevented the exhibition from starting on the third day.

There are some lessons to be gained from last year’s major interruptions, with restaurants and hotels providing alternative venues for importers, exporters, etc. One South African exported noted they could spend more time with a major importer away from the main event. Some South African exporters also visit different Asian nations prior to and following the event, thus getting the most out of their extended journey. According to them, any cancellation or delaying of the show had lesser impact on their business. Some countries did not feel so content having yet another day that was effectively “wasted”.

“We understand the frustration of the producers for the fact that the program couldn’t start in the normal way early this morning, at 10:10 am,” said Jill Witheyman in a statement issued by Angus Soft Fruit. “We regret it, but this unexpected event was inevitable. The evening is a big run so far, with a positive and engaging mood. We’re glad that we will be able to return in the daytime,” she said.

“We usually schedule our meetings to take place over the initial two days, therefore this isn’t a concern with us” said Sam Manujith in The Avolution. In light of the forecast for weather, a lot of Chinese businesses were already planning that the event would be canceled on the third day, and were hurrying to schedule appointments on the following day.

“The evening of the final day, entry is completely free to visitors,” commented Mr. Tian of Jining Shangzhuo. “Therefore the majority of professional visitors attend our booth during the initial and second days of the festival. This is why the weather during the day’s final event were not a factor in the number of people who visited our stand.”

Furthermore to that, there were South American exhibitors, who have to travel for 28 hours for Hong Kong, were upset that they would only be able to attend two days for the event. “Maybe the organizers might think about shifting the dates to another time in the future when weather-related events like this are more rare,” one person commented.

Asia is a major marketplace for a variety of continents

Asia Fruit Logistica is a important annual event in Latin America. Chile exports around 90 percent of its cherries to China and, with a record production expected in the upcoming season and connecting with (potential) clients is a great benefit. Chilean cherries are a sought-after present to celebrate Chinese New Year. Chinese buyers are more than willing to pay good prices for top quality fruits.

Asia is a major market for Australia as well as New Zealand. New Zealand cherry and apple cultivators are hopeful of an improved season following the cyclone that hit New Zealand and the rainy weather that led to some tough seasons. Australian vegetables growers have had an excellent winter and ideal conditions for growing throughout the country.

In the European portion of the event the majority of French producers of pear and apple expressed their satisfaction with the growing demand for their fruits all over Asia and the Middle East, with India as well as China particulary displaying. The Belgian pavilion was full of different fruits, which was accompanied by tastings that delighted guests. It was clear that the South African pavilion was packed with guests, since numerous exporters met buyer representatives from Asia. A few were examining and closing the citrus harvest, whereas others discussed plans to prepare for the upcoming table grape harvest.

Exhibitionists of North America also reported it has been a great event for the country. U.S. growers mainly have fruit, such as apples, citrus, grapes along with dates, potatoes, and grapes in their exhibits. In in the U.S., California is especially well-represented. Canadian exporters and producers are promoting apples, cherries, as well as blueberries. They hope that they can increase the number of the exports of these fruits to Asia.

After returning home to their countries of origin over the weekend, many said that they’d like for confirmation from the organizers regarding their plans for reducing the possibility of major disruptions in the next edition, which is already scheduled for the 3rd-5th of September in 2025.

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Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies