Pesticides banned in Turkish tomatoes found in Croatia

In Croatia An analysis performed by the sanitary inspectors who patrolled the border showed that there was traces of pesticide banned indoxacarb, which is banned in Turkish tomatoes. It was found to have an amount of 0.032 milligrams for each kilogram. It is the second occasion in the span of a week when Turkish tomatoes have been discovered to have traces of a banned chemical, according to an article by Danica who referred to information obtained from EU Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed.

The shipment was recognized by the rapid alert system of the EU as being a health risk. This led to destruction prior to its ability to be sold on to the Croatian market. In addition, earlier this week, a different shipment of tomatoes originating from Turkey was discovered to have chlorpyrifos, a pesticide banned by the EU near the Croatian border, and then destroyed.

Source: Akmu

Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies