Australian Agribusiness is looking to extend its operation into Cambodian market

Australian Agribusiness SPC Global is set to increase its presence in the Cambodian market. The company will be focusing on the export of locally grown mango longan, rambutan and the dragon fruit. SPC Global chairman Hussein Rifai and the CEO Matthew McMichael paid a visit to Phnom Penh and Kampong Speu province between June 14-16, to explore the opportunities in Cambodia to invest in agriculture and trade.

The visit of SPC Global is part of Australia’s effort to strengthen its agricultural relations with Cambodia. It began following an effective meeting with SPC as well as Cambodian participants at the CAPRED (Cambodia Australia Partnership to Sustainable Economic Development] agri-food Industrial Park visit to Australia in the spring of this year.

The company’s statement said: “SPC can provide Australian knowledge and expertise in food that can help develop new food products that are of top quality worldwide while also developing the agriculture-food industry in Cambodia. Agri-food is among Cambodia’s major industries of interest and Australia has already stepped up to support the development of this sector. We’re grateful to CAPRED for bringing this possibility to our attention. We is currently in discussions with two of businesses that they have presented to us.”
