New Zealand 2023 kiwifruit harvest is a disappointment for growers

The small 2023 New Zealand kiwifruit harvest leaves farmers disappointed and under-performing by the amount of kiwifruit harvested this season. The next year will be a time of financial burdens to producers of kiwifruit. They keep the quality of their kiwifruit in mind when it is exported into markets overseas, and expect an end to the tunnel by 2024.

The harvest for kiwifruit in 2023 the largest New Zealand agricultural export, has mostly finished with the crop shipping to international markets.

New Zealand Kiwifruit Growers Inc. President Colin Bond says that this was the one of the least economically uncompetitive harvests since the beginning of time because of the limited volume of fruit produced. “The Kiwifruit industry performed very well in COVID since we were allowed to carry on operating. The last two years were comparable to the financial strains faced by other industries during the epidemic – and now is our turn”.

A plethora of challenges for farmers began when quality was a concern around 2022, and has extended into 2023, with low pollination, winds, flooding hail, and cyclones that have reduced the amount of crop. Initial estimates suggested that the kiwifruit would be a huge crop, with 160 million trays were expected to be made however, the end result will likely not exceed 140 million tray, which is which is a vast difference from the 2022’s 175 million tray. In the average, every tray is filled with about 30 pieces of the fruit. Bond states that the higher cost of growing and exporting kiwifruit is particularly difficult to growers during times with low production.

“Growers are placing more stress on Zespri to do its best within their markets in order to achieve maximum returns from lower volumes of kiwifruit. In spite of Zespri declaring that the grade of the fruit that is going to the market is excellent and that the expected returns look positive so far, NZKGI will continue to keep an eye on the quality in the months ahead. Industry has collaborated to address quality concerns and it’s important that the effort is rewarded in a low yield year.” Bond adds. Bond.

There is a glimmer of hope in the tunnel. 2024 is expected to be the biggest ever. “There will be an enormous burden on the entire supply chain to ensure that we are able to deliver the huge amount of kiwifruit with a high quality for consumers. Plans are already in motion all across the sector. Although we cannot control the weather, it is our responsibility to make sure that we have the best practices to maximize our chances of success and free growers of their cost burdens.”

With $2.9 billion in earnings from exports by 2022, New Zealand’s Kiwifruit industry is a significant economic driver in the countries in which kiwifruit are grown, with numerous communities benefitting from its growth.

For further information, click here.

Colin Bond

New Zealand Kiwifruit Growers

Tel: 0800 232 505
