UK The UK and Australia trade agreement that will see tariffs removed on peaches and strawberries are to be eliminated in the course of four years.

Since the trade agreement between the UK and Australia has entered into force and is in force, many people are not fully aware. In contrast to Australia however, the UK retains its tariffs, quotas, and particular safeguards for Australian agricultural products for several years.

In relation to vegetable and fruit products The tariffs for the pears and strawberries are to be removed over the course of 4 years while bananas, grapes and apples will require eight years.

Prices on cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower cukes, beans aubergines, asparagus and sweetcorn. squash, fennel and peppers. As well as mushrooms and tomatoes. Truffles are expected to take up to four years before they can be eliminated. For context to understand the situation, the UK imported nearly 3 million tonnes of vegetable in the last fiscal year. This was followed by 3.6 million tonnes of fruits.

The trade restrictions mentioned are in order to debunk the notion that trade deals are detrimental to British Farmers. This isn’t true. British farmers are secured more than any other sector. The slow elimination of tariffs will be a problem for UK customers, who be waiting for years for any benefit, through price reductions, from the trade agreement.
