Moldovan cherries are eyeing the European market

The sweet cherry harvest in Moldova is just beginning. Despite poor pollination in the intermediate and late varieties cherries in certain regions, the general harvest is looking promising. Moldovan sweet cherry growers look forward to creating alliances with importers from around the globe.

“The time is promising for the season as we’ve started picking the first fruits from our apple orchard. The fruits we offer can be shipped in an array of packages, in line with customers’ preferences, which includes traditional wooden crates and boxes made of cartons that are different sizes,” says Ion Tulei the manager at FarmProd Ltd., a part of the Fruit Producers and Exporters Association of Moldova.

“We offer all kinds of cherry varieties from early to late. Thanks to the investments that we made by purchasing a hydrocooler as well as a an grading machine for cherries, we’re able to satisfy the requirements of importers and we’re willing to make requests to every international market. In the past year, we completed the first shipment for the Dutch market and are planning to work on it this year to expand markets for cherries.” Mariana Paslaru, director of Staragro Group, says.

Moldovan producers are able to provide Nimba, Red Pacific, Rocket, Frisco, Carina, Kordia, Big Star, Ferrovia, Regina, and Gray Star when it comes to varieties of cherry. “The growing industry of cherries is growing across Moldova. Republic of Moldova. Each year new varieties are being planted, and the company invests to improve post-harvest techniques and innovation in order to make sure that the fruit are top-quality and are in line with the top international standards. The Moldovan cherries entice the public with their distinctive taste and sweetness because of the rich soil and the unique climate zone” Iurie Fala, CEO of Moldova Fruct Explains.

The sweet cherry harvest in Moldova is now around 15,000 tons each year. The season runs beginning at the end of May through the beginning part in July.” Moldova has already been ranked among the world’s leading producers of sweet cherries. “Moldova is rapidly becoming a sought-after producer of premium sweet cherries during the next season. There are only 2-5 days to get the fruit from Moldova to the largest EU markets, and also benefitting by a no-cost import tax-free quota to EU markets.” Fala concludes.

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Alexandra Bicu

Moldova Fruct

Tel./WhatsApp: +373 68 355 770
