“Egypt rapidly adapted to the increase in onion consumption”

Global inflation which marked the start of the year impacted the prices and stocks of a variety of important crop varieties. Onions are particularly affected, since the top onion producing countries prohibited exports to protect their markets in the country. In the midst of this “onion turmoil”, Egypt stood out due to its stability and growth in both its export and production flow. Just two months ahead of the closing of the season with onions Souty Seif, an export expert at RejoicePro has praised for the Egyptian model.

The exporter stated: “In a global context with uncertainty, and dangers to food security we’re happy with our strength as well as our ability to manufacture and deliver markets with what they require. In times of uncertainty like such that we demonstrate that we’re reliable partners which strengthens Egypt’s standing as a trustworthy source of agricultural goods. It’s not free of challenges. The most significant one being the need procure a high-quality product at the quantity needed.”

Souty adds: “For example, when onions are involved consumers from all over the globe have shifted their attention towards Egypt this year. there has been a massive increase in demand within the span of a couple of days. Exporters have had to be diligent to find high-quality produce. It also happened to be the year that we first added onions to the range of products we offer at RejoicePro. The idea behind our approach was to focus on producers whose products are of excellent quality but are unable to gain access to international markets, mostly because of their lack of expertise in the process of export. We provided these growers with profits that are higher than market standards. As the goal of the nation is to create Egypt an important actor on the map of onions and we would like RejoicePro to serve as a trustworthy supplier to both customers and producers alike. For this RejoicePro has joined forces with the agritech and subcontracting firm Mozare3”.

Souty Seif Export professional at RejoicePro

The rise in the market demand of Egyptian onions may be a coincidence and connected to an extraordinary setting. The possibility of a return to the normal market arrangement, where India, Central Asian countries and Western Europe are the dominant players in the onion market, should not be considered out of the question. Souty says: “No one can predict how this will play out however we have made the most significant advances in this year’s market. First, a lot of marketplaces have seen high-quality Egyptian onions for sale at affordable cost and in an easier delivery time with the variety and sizes that consumers prefer. Additionally, we proved the efficacy of the Egyptian agriculture model that is that is able to adapt quickly and in real-time to the changing demands, and delivering high quantities and high quality international standards at periods of worldwide shortages.”

Souty describes the RejoicePro experience: “This year, we exported 70 tonnes of red onions, and 50 tons of golden onions every week, in three sizes: 40-60, 60-60-80, and over 80. We exported our product to Europe and Europe, Far East, Africa, and Gulf countries as we are certified by the relevant authorities including Global GAP and BRC. If the demand for Egyptian onions grows similar to this season that is highly likely, we’ll have the capability to increase the volume of our products as soon as next year’s season.”

The exporter says, “Our product range also comprises sweet potatoes, pomegranates and grapes. In addition to these items there was a significant increase in need this year.”

More information is available here:

Souty Seif


Tel: +201278644161

Email: souty.seif@rejoicepro.com
