The banana farm in Cambodia grows in order to supply the market demand

China could be a major market that could be a huge potential for Cambodian agriculture products. Not just fresh bananas, as well as rice as well as cassava, mango as well as longan. Cambodia officially shipped its first crop of freshly-picked bananas into China in May of 2019.

In the words of Wu Fuxiang of investing firm Nong Ye Fazhan Co. Ltd. According to Wu Fuxiang of Nong Ye Fazhan Co. Ltd., the firm is investing more than $16 million by 2021 in 600 acres of land, and the farm is completely cultivated today. In order to meet the increasing demands for exports of the fruit and to meet the growing demand, the company is planning to increase its farm, he said. It currently has 20 Chinese employees, and over 1,200 Cambodian staff.

The first eleven months of 2022 Cambodia exported 345,470 tonnes of fresh bananas. That’s decreasing 12.73 percentage from identical timeframe in 2021, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries.
