“The traditional news that every person consumes 250g of plastic every year is not a surprise and even more so in the European Union. What is the likelihood of this happening? It’s the equivalent of 44 baskets that weigh 5.60 grams per ( those containing 125 grams of tiny fruit in exact terms, e.d.). So, I am asking those who spread these numbers to support each assertion by citing scientific proof, and not engaging in exaggeration.”
Rocco De Lucia lets you imagine taking a bite out of 44.5 plastic tubs. It is the exact amount every European person would consume in a study accepted by EU
The following is a statement from Rocco De Lucia the owner of Siropack and a believer that, when it comes to sustainability, we must have evidence from science, not fanciful hypothesis. “I find it difficult to discover that each of us consumes the equivalent of 44.5 of these containers each year. My concern is the lack of justification for such assertions or any challenge to these assertions. There are two startups in the business that are working in the field of sustainability and all information we say is supported with scientific evidence, actual data. Also, the intake of 250 grams of microplastics is just nonsense.”
The HTML1 tray made of plastic with a capacity of the 125g weights 5.60 grams
The next year (mid-2026) next year (mid-2026), the limit is set to apply to products weighing less than 1.5 kilograms. De Lucia intervenes on this aspect: “First of all, I’d like to point out that Siropack is a company that develops techniques to produce packaging made of plastic as well as paper. The majority of the packaging is made of paper. So we wouldn’t be as keen on any one of the two materials. It’s the contradiction I find difficult to bear: trying to force one’s choice based upon the basis of an opinion, not a scientific approach. I’m not a big person who is a fan of one type and the other however, I do study, analyze, and come to a conclusion. In the end, I’ve found that the chain made of plastic is equally sustainable as the paper chain and, often, even more.”
Siropack is committed to sustainability. The company runs two research institutes (with the new start-up Tailor as well as the spinoff Turtle) where they conduct studies in conjunction in conjunction with University of Bologna, based on specific indicators and the scientifically proven methodology.
Rocco Lucia Lucia is not a stranger to creativity in communications ( see Freshplaza of 22/11/2023)
“We are hiring an engineer named Jessica Rossi, who recently completed and passed an EFPA ESG Advisor test,” adds De Lucia. This EFPA ESG Advisor certification offers an in-depth understanding of ESG issues. It is directed to all professionals looking to gain a thorough understanding of social, environmental and governance concerns that are becoming more important as well as useful in consulting and arranging.”
“By joining as ESG Advisors, we are ESG Advisor, we’re thus in compliance with EU directives as well as highlighting contradictions that are present: While small businesses are able to navigate through a maze of rules and regulations while big industries continue to generate and release fossil energy sources, while the largest industrial powers on a global scale are not take into consideration the environmental sustainability that we are imposed upon us at the EU levels,” the expert says in the conclusion.
More information is available here:
Siropack Italia S.r.l.
47042 Cesenatico (FC)
Tel. : +39 0547 671116
[email protected]