“Even the people who’ve not bought anything similar to this are now begging to purchase Turkish pitahayas”

Following the success of the debut year for Turkish Pitahayas last year the team from Petrik & Sahin OG started the second year of their marketing campaign this week. The forecast for the start of this season appears favorable, says co-manager director Baris Sahin when asked. “Compared with last year’s season this year, we will begin the season around ten days ahead of schedule and we have chosen an entirely new vendor called Meygold to ensure quality. We also purchase pepperoni and certain fruit items from this supplier.”

The very first season of marketing in 2022 was quite successful, Sahin says looking back. “Normally pitahayas are from or Southeast Asia or Latin America and are usually brought in via the air. Since they travel shorter travel distances Turkish pitahayas are successfully established as an excellent alternative to cargo shipped by air to distant locations. It has been observed that people who’ve never purchased previously, for instance Turkish stores or kitchens in canteens and canteen kitchens, are inquiring about pitahayas. It’s fun for us wholesalers to present something fresh and exciting.”

While both the red-red as well as the pitahaya with the red-white color are made within Turkey, Petrik & Sahin OG will focus initially on the marketing of the pitahaya with red-red color.

According to Sahin Sahin, the outlook for this season’s campaign are positive. “As it is known it is the only time that Vietnam is represented at present in the marketplace. Furthermore, there will have a decent harvest from Turkey during the year. But, we anticipate larger amounts only at the end of July until the beginning of the month of August. In the past we managed to offer the last batch up to December” states the wholesaler who sells fruit.

Petrik & Sahin OG has offered sweetcorn from Turkish origin for the past few months now. Much like pitahayas is a lesser-volume, but fascinating product that has seen a rise in popularity. “The season was with a high price in the first 14 days, however prices have since dropped somewhat. Overall it has begun very well, though sales are currently slipping because of the increased amount of Hungarian merchandise. However, this is not a surprise because June is usually the month with the highest sales.”

Turkish sweetcorn

Difficult general conditions

Price fluctuations and inflation continue to influence the events of market. Vienna wholesale markets, Sahin continues. “For specific items, like vine tomatoes and peppers, you can experience massive price increases, which create problems for us every each day. In addition, there are expensive costs, like when it comes to transportation and logistics. The main factor in this, particularly with the imports coming from Turkey and the complex borders control at the Turkish Bulgarian border. We must also admit that we are unable to determine nor alter the circumstances.”

In the end, however the wholesale business has made it through the crises very well. “So far, we’re recording better results than last year’s fiscal year, which we also recorded a greater turnover than 2021. It is an indication that our organization is doing well in spite of the difficult general environment,” Sahin explains in the conclusion.

Images: Petrik & Sahin OG

More details:

Baris Sahin

Petrik & Sahin OG

Grossmarkt Wien-Inzersdorf

Laxenburgerstrasse 365 C6 69-74

+43 1 6150014

