Melons originated from Uzbekistan against Spanish melons found in the stores of Latvia

According to EastFruit the melon that is of Uzbekistan is now available in grocery stores in Latvia and is being advertised to be the “Central Asian Melon”. The price of retail for the melon is 2.49 euros for a kilogram. In Uzbekistan as per EastFruit price monitoring, wholesale melons cost around 0.4 euro for each kilogram. They will likely to begin falling rapidly in the coming days.

The major issue that plagued Uzbek melons that are sold in supermarkets within those EU countries was the dimensions. Melons from Uzbekistan tend to be too big for EU customers. But this time, there is a slight improvement on this front – the melons were smaller than usual. If you take a take a look at the way that the Uzbek Melon compares with its competition, it’s nonetheless larger than most of the melon varieties. As we can notice in the picture in the photo, the Uzbek melons is the only one to be cut in two pieces to help solve the issue of the large size.

On the left side on the left side of the Uzbek melons on the image above, you can see “White Melon”. The origin country of this melon isn’t specified as is the cost. The price will be 3.99 euros/kg. But, as of the moment the shop was offering a discount cost at 2.49 euros/kg. This is identical to the melon in Uzbekistan. The most likely source was from Spain.

The left side of “white melons” There is a fresh fashionable product that is sold under the name “LIMELON”. This is a fascinating species of melon that is promoted by the farmer as it is a “refreshing Melon”. According to the grower, this flavor of melon is similar to lime, hence the title “Lime and melon”. The price originally for “Limelon” would be 3.99 euros/kg. However, it’s sold at 2.99 euros/kg during the promotional. In other words, the melon in question costs more than melon that comes from Uzbekistan.

Just above the Uzbek melons is the melon of cantaloupe. It’s among the oldest and most sought-after melons around the globe. The cost for this melon is 2.49 euro/kg i.e. this melon is priced approximately the same price per kilogram that the melon of Uzbekistan.

Nearby nearby are HONEY DEW melons. Because the quality of these melons leave a lot to be desired, the store has a goal of selling it quickly at an attractive cost that is 1.99 euro/kg.

It is likely that all the other melons originate from Spain and Spain is the EU market leader for melon. It is however hard to know for certain since this store has a reason why it does not provide the source of the item.


It is evident that there has been some growth in melons’ size made from Uzbekistan However, it’s still the biggest fruit that is available found on supermarket shelves. However the cost per kilogram is not too high – some melons have higher prices, but there are also less expensive melons.

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