Spanish nursery plants meet the highest requirements in the production of strawberry plants

El Pinar High-altitude Strawberry Plant Nurseries El Pinar high-altitude strawberry plant nurseries are located in the middle of the growing season. They are the process of releasing runners to enable them to satisfy the needs of their clients in the principal markets in the Mediterranean region, using an excellent plant and highest phytosanitary assurances.

In order to achieve this goal, El Pinar has implemented an effective strategy covering all aspects of the plant’s life cycle from its planting date to the management of irrigation in addition to nursery diversification as well as logistics. “Thanks to this plan that we have, we can now shipping over 250 million plants while doing this in line with the requirements and desires of our clients,” Anxo Castro Perez, director of Nursery Production, tells us.

The first date for planting

El Pinar has brought forward the date of planting in nurseries until March. The move will enable they to carry on all fertilization process until July then from there it will begin the maturation that the plant needs to undergo.

“With this method, we get an extended maturation time that can be accomplished with greater ease slowing the development of vegetative tissue as well as strengthening secondary roots. This is the place where starch is stored. This will enable us to maintain adequate vigor when transplanting which is essential because of the extreme temperatures that can be recorded in the producing zones in the months of October” says Anxo Castro.

Irrigation is another important element

At present, the temperature is ideal for proper development of the plant. But, we are aware that the possibility of heat waves could be experienced and can cause stress on the plant.

To address the issue, El Pinar has been employing an effective irrigation technique with drips and sprinkling throughout the initial stage of plant growth in the Nursery. “With sprinklers, we can provide sufficient water to the runners, as well as drips for the parent plant since the needs for water are greater,” argues Anxo Castro.

The variety of its nuances

The rusticity of the variety is also a major factor for nursery establishments. A unique use of active soil-disinfecting materials requires them to incorporate various other practices of culture.

El Pinar has varieties such as Victory, Primavera, Inspire and Renewal among its offerings that are not required during chilling times.

Nursery Diversification

El Pinar currently has strawberry nursery plants with nurseries in Avila, Segovia and Romania. For areas with colder temperatures including Italy and Greece The plant of the origin of Romania gives the initial energy which allows for rapid implementation” According to the Director of Production. This diversity and in-depth logistics will allow them to attain the amount of 8 million plants that are supplied each day

Control of costs

Through these techniques of cultivation including water management as well as diversification of nurseries El Pinar manages to offer an excellent plant. However, it does this through assuming increases in cost with minimal impact to its customers. It is demonstrating its dedication to its customers and producers and to keep adding the value of its products in a way that is competitive.

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El Pinar