Are high prices for watermelon to be expected in Moldova during the latter half of the summer?

This season, in terms of many aspects, the first being constant high prices for all sales time – is unusual for the Moldovan market for watermelon. The first day of the 2023 season notable for its high prices that are much greater than those at the beginning of the season in 2022. What is the length of time this trend last? EastFruit experts suggest that the likelihood of the absence of “price failings” within Moldova regarding the sale of gourds generally and watermelon specifically.

In the past, a large price range for the Moldovan market for watermelon was facilitated through unusual exports to Ukraine that resulted in a shortage of the renowned Kherson watermelon. In this year’s forecast, as per the Moldovan fruit market owners that supply of watermelon to Ukraine will continue to maintain expensive prices in Moldova but in a smaller amount than 2022. The reason for this is that some of the west regions in Ukraine have substantially expanded the area of watermelon plantations and likely are expected to flood the western and central regions of Ukraine with this fruit. In this way, the availability of watermelon products from Moldova is likely to remain within the region of southeast Odesa, Mykolaiv, and maybe, other areas. However, the exports from Moldova cannot be considered stable and reliable.

In light of the long-standing transport as well as other logistics programs and the fact that exports of Moldovan gourds for export to Romania seem more appealing to certain market players.

However, the stable but it isn’t the least expensive market for Moldovan watermelon farmers this year will likely be the local market. In the wake of the frigid spring, planting of melons, as with the other fruits grown in Moldova has been delayed. This resulted in the amount in plantations of gourds that typically fluctuate around 3 thousand hectares across Moldova, fell to between 25-30% by 2023. And, even more alarmingly, in the last week, as per people who run the market an extensive portion of the melon plantations were badly damaged due to hail. In light of these conditions the shipments of watermelon that are high-quality to the markets of all kinds are likely to be simple. However an importation of significant quantities of watermelon for the Moldovan market during the second part of summer seems likely.

The imports of Greek watermelon into Moldova beginning in 2023 in May, but they will not be finished until the end of the month. The wholesale prices of the product on the local market as per EastFruit surveillance, were unprecedentedly excessive (16-18 lei/kg $0.9-1.01/kg) during the last three weeks. It was due in part to it was the first watermelon local to the protected plantations was being sold at the same price, which was 20 to 23 lei/kg ($1.11-1.27/kg) and much more.

In the initial month of July average retail price for watermelon locally decreased by half, between 9 and 10 leis/kg ($0.49-0.54/kg). Despite this, the cost is at least 25% to 30% higher than it was during this same season of period of watermelon during the preceding five or six years. It’s not even an indication that the is likely to drop dramatically in the near future.

Source: EastFruit