In the month of June 2023, Uzbekistan was able to continue increasing the amount of exports of watermelon.

In the beginning of June, EastFruit stated that in this year the time to export Uzbek watermelon in the new crop began well. This year in May, Uzbekistan exports record amounts of watermelon, which was around 30000 tons in the time of beginning the growing season.

In the month of June, Uzbek exporters increased the quantity of shipping these fruits and vegetables to international markets. For the beginning of the season, the total volume of exports of Uzbek watermelon was nearly 10,000 tonnes. In July, however, the rate of growth in exports of these items will be less, EasrFruit experts say.

In the preliminary data on trade that were released in the period May-June 2023 Uzbekistan exported 79.9 thousand tonnes of these goods, which is 26% higher than the timeframe the previous year, and nearly four times as much as the timeframe in 2021.

Additionally, in the first two months of the present season Uzbekistan produced almost the exact amount of watermelon that was exported in the previous season in which a record-breaking historical record was established. In 2022, the period for watermelon imports from Uzbekistan began on May 15 to 16 until mid-November. In the six months prior to that, the quantity of exports of Uzbek watermelon for export to international markets totaled 81.8 tonnes.

The growth rate of exports from watermelon will decrease significantly in July.

The year before, July made up for around 15% of all annual exports. In light of the last year’s trends of the monthly exports of the products EastFruit analysts are of the opinion that, by July, the total volume of watermelon exported from Uzbekistan is likely to be as high as 90-95 million tons.

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