In celebration of the 25th season of South African summer citrus

Summer Citrus From South Africa (SCSA) celebrates the 25th year in a row of shipping citrus products from South Africa to the U.S. It is estimated that the SCSA group has grown by more than 2.5x over the last few years, and is shipping at a steady +/- 100,000 pallets into America. U.S., with sustained expansion planned over the next two to five years.

The year 1999 was the first time Summer Citrus originated from South Africa was introduced to in the U.S. market for the first time. It was two pallets of fruit in a period when the category of imported citrus was still not established. In the following decades, the segment gradually developed, and the products were distributed to a small group of exporters. Since the time, South Africa has become an important supplier of oranges for U.S. consumers during the season of summer.

“From from the beginning until today, relationships built over time are the foundation of our business, and have played a role in the steady expansion and long-term viability of the business,” said Suhanra Conradie as Chief Executive Officer. “The Holt family and their team have played a major element of our sustained expansion, and they have been an excellent trusted partner that we can count on. The journey has not been smooth however, the difficulties are what have made us stronger. They’ve enabled us to not just increase market demand within our home country of the U.S. but also allowed us to take advantage of our opportunities together and increase our reach within this U.S. market even further.”

SCSA is split 50/50 among conventional vessels, containers as well as ships on both shores of the Delaware River.

At first there were special vessels of the conventional type that were being transported to the port in Philadelphia. Due to its steady growth, SCSA was given the chance to work with major shipping companies around the globe. SCSA now divides its volume 50/50 among conventional vessels, containers as well as ships that go to each side of the Delaware River.

“A quarter century of existence is an amazing milestone in any business based on commodities, and we’re extremely pleased to work with our long-time colleagues from South Africa,” said Leo Holt, president and chief executive officer of Holt Logistics, operator of Gloucester Terminals, LLC. “Building an extensive supply chain guarantees food security as well as accessibility to healthy, fresh items at our local supermarkets and further. We’re thankful for all our suppliers who value the safe and effective movement of goods across our port facilities.”

“We want to express our gratitude towards the Holt family and their team,” said Conradie. “Thank to you for enduring the journey together with us and thank you for your ongoing support. We are where we are now over 25 years later and getting stronger and improving! Everyone wishes everyone a happy and prosperous year. We’ve gained quite a bit of momentum thanks to our teamwork method and hope to continue the momentum.”

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Lauren Miller

Summer Citrus is from South Africa