“Grape prices have mysteriously started falling too rapidly on market in Spanish market”

The Spanish table grapes campaign has been ahead of schedule this year. After a couple of weeks of excellent selling, the prices have dropped in the market for domestic consumption but balance is expected to return as exports grow in the coming months.

“We began earlier in the table grapes campaign in Spain this year, as there are Candy Snaps plantations in Murcia and their harvest was moved forward by two weeks.” explained Miriam Cutillas, from the Department of Sales and Marketing department of the Alicante-based business Uvasdoce that was renamed UVASDOCE FRESH since AMFRESH recently has become the majority shareholder.

“At this moment we’re still working with different varieties we purchase from the growers in Murcia like The Sugraone and Itum15 In Seville including Sweet Celebration and the Sweet Celebration and Sweet Globe. It is ripening between a week and 10 days earlier than expected due to the heavy rain as well as the hot weather during the time of growth in the fruit. Be aware that for the moment being, late and mid-season varieties have not arrived early,” she added.

In the week ending June 30 of September, Uvasdoce is expected to begin the harvest of table grapes from Alicante. “This season, we’ll add new varieties to our selection, including those of Ivory, Krissy and, at the close in the year, we will introduce the Late Autumn King. These varieties will be able extend the season by two weeks in both the beginning as well as at the close of. Also, this is the first year that there will be no more the Crimson kind because of its inconsistent production. As a result it will be the only varieties that are protected. In addition, we’ll be testing six varieties of the SNFL program.” Says Miriam Cutillas.

In the current year UVASDOCE FRESH is increasing the volume of its production by around 1 million kilograms, which is equivalent up to 5,000 tonnes. “We are expecting to increase our production every year until we get to 10 million kilos within the next four or five months,” says the sales manager.

The first few weeks of the growing season, the business’s marketing efforts are geared towards the local market. “For currently, the it’s been doing very well due to the scarcity of watermelons, melons and other fruits on the shelves, as well as their price has led people to purchase tables of grapes. Although prices initially were very attractive but they’ve since began to drop too fast on markets in Spanish market. The volume of food have been increasing in Murcia and Murcia, but Egypt remains a major presence within The United Kingdom, but it is not clear why there are already sales in supermarkets during July.”

According to the sales director, “prices are already close to levels at which, in the event that they keep falling then the business’s profit will be in danger. As the prices of materials for packaging and energy have come down, labor costs have increased by an additional 16% in the past year thanks to the rise in minimum wage. The chain of links are expected to know the other, otherwise agriculture won’t succeed,” she warned.

“It is worthwhile to mention that grapes are among the rare items whose demand did not seem to be affected by the rise in the rate of inflation between January and the end of June, so do we really need to reduce prices this significantly to increase sales?” she added.

“From the week following, Murcia will start to increase its capacity for production, as exports for Spanish table grapes begin increasing, which is why we expect that the market balance is restored, and prices will be stabilized. Exports are expected to begin September, the week following August 2nd. It would be unfortunate that we had to prioritize exports due to the price pressures in the market in our country, despite the fact that we’ve seen consumption rise over the last few years,” Says Miriam Cutillas. The company focuses half its output to domestic markets and the rest is devoted to exports.

For more information:

Miriam Cutillas


Ctra. Monforte-Agost km. 6,9

Partida de las Norias n.o 188

T: +34 965 620 125

