Polish apple harvest looks promising after a dry spell

The Polish apple farmers are getting ready for the new year and thus far, despite the weather the apple crop has looked great, according to Mohamed Marawan, owner of Polish exporter of apples Sarafruit: “At this point we have apples that in our orchards have been growing well, and one might even declare that everything is perfect, and without issues. There are reports from others that some regions within Poland face certain issues due to the conditions. But, overall, the present situation is good for growers.”

Even though Polish farmers are able to increase production through planting more trees, the growth appears to be slowed generally, Marawan explains. “As all of us know it is true that weather patterns are shifting across the globe. It’s been extremely dry not much rainfall, but following that drought, it’s been a breeze. A lot of new orchards are plant new trees but not as many like they were before. However, there are people switching the types at certain orchards, namely Gala, Golden and Red Delicious. Gala along with Red Delicious are being planted more often since these two kinds were the most popular kinds last year.”

The scorching weather provided the opportunity for pests to grow in a few of the Polish apple orchards. But, with perseverance and good practices the orchards of Sarafruit are free of pests. “As an organization we’ve not faced many issues related to bugs. Some orchards, however, have been experiencing bugs, which I suspect is because of the warm weather that we’ve experienced, which aids in this pest to grow. We’ve been able to ward them off in the best way we could however it was difficult for us, however at the end, we were able to celebrate success and the orchard has been completely pest-free.” Marawan concludes.

More information is available here:

Mohamed Marawan


Tel: +48 537 935 155

Email: office@sarafruit.eu
