Organic strawberry from the greenhouse was launched

Producer of greenhouses Nature Fresh Farms introduces its Nature Fresh Farms Organic Greenhouse Berries(tm). The company claims it has become the first greenhouse company that grows and markets organically grown strawberries from greenhouses across North America.

“We continuously seek ways to assist our clients by addressing their issues and taking care of the issues they have,” said Matt Quiring the senior vice president of sales and marketing. “One particular issue was the field availability of berries, specifically due to ongoing water and weather issues that continue to affect farmers in the field and create irregular availability. Our organic greenhouse berries solve the issue, providing a peak production while the field is the most depleted, as well as filling supply gaps.”

firm’s controlled-environment agriculture methods require about 70 percent less water in order to sustain strawberries to grow.

Nature Fresh Farms’ controlled cultivation methods in the field need about 70 percent less water in strawberry crop development, while still allowing quality and clean production.

“Greenhouse-grown fruit is the way of the future as we are aware that can also be organic as well,” said Quiring, noting that greenhouse growers don’t confront the difficulties of the weather, drought or fire as field farmers face. “Because that greenhouse growers can produce a crop which is dependable in taste freshness, quality as well as supply customers with fresh fruit that has been selected for flavor as well as eating enjoyment, as opposed to shelf-life and accessibility.”

Matt Quiring claims greenhouse farmers are in a position to offer a fruit variety that’s always consistently fresh, delicious and high-quality.

A new organic 45-acre strawberry farm set to open this fall, the business is working to establish retail partnerships in the strawberry category. The company has noted the rise in organic purchasing developments over the last several years.

“Aligning our sales force to the goals of our organization and of our partner allows us to continue to offer insights, growth opportunities and also marketing strategies to ensure the effectiveness of our program, improve revenue and encourage repeat purchases” stated Quiring.

Nature Fresh Farms Nature Fresh Farms team will exhibit at booth #500 in the coming Southern Innovations trade show in Charlotte, North Carolina, between September 14 and 16, 2023.

To find out more :

Krysta Markham

Nature Fresh Farms

Tel. : +1 (519) 326-1111 ext.1630