“Amendments to rules governing packaging could create a “flood” of plastic polluting”

Saverio Mayer, CEO Europe Smurfit Kappa The CEO Europe of Smurfit Kappa has published this statement about the amendments proposed in the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation:

“Imagine that you are in charge of controlling the packaging industry within the European Union. You’re in the process of introducing guidelines to curb emissions and waste. So far, so good. Then it becomes clear that a change in the law requiring reuse of packaging can result in a flurry of plastic. This is the exact contrary of what you’re hoping to accomplish. Would you be willing to vote against the same thing?

The solution is clear. This is precisely the problem that is facing the EU in its debate on changes to the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR).

Everybody supports what the EU hopes to accomplish with this directive. The recent revisions, however, aren’t working. They will impose compulsory re-use regulations for packaging used to transport goods that are too broad. Practically, this rule could penalize recyclable products, such as cardboard, and encourage the plastics business.

The analysis of the trade organization FEFCO has revealed that rather than being cut significantly however, the volume of plastic packaging for transport will increase in 20401. There is no way to reuse plastic and not make it even more harmful. This doesn’t mean that it’s time to give up and forget that making mountainous amounts of plastic to recycle could be an alternative.

“Instead of seeing a significant reduction in size, the quantity of unneeded packaging for transport made of plastic is expected to double by 2040.”

The entire business of Smurfit Kappa is based on lessening the environmental effects of packaging on our planet, and improving the supply chain to billions of individuals. We leverage our experience in the field of innovation to create environmentally sustainable packaging products, including alternatives for plastic. They are recyclable, renewable and biodegradable. The fibers we use to make the boxes over the course of their lives. In the end the boxes are reintroduced back to the earth.

“Plastic will always remain. It’s made of fossil fuels. Only 9 percent of it is recycled2.This is an extremely harmful mixture. The tiny amount of plastic recycled could end up in the air and release CO2 and end up in trash. It will not be returned to the earth in the same way as cardboard”.

However papers are sustainable, recyclable and biodegradable. Particularly, cardboard plays an essential role in Europe’s move toward the circular economy.

We offer a superior high-quality, high-performance recycling process for cardboard. It has the recycling rate being above 90%, which is the most of any other packaging material in Europe. Corrugated cardboard packaging comes with an average of recycled amount of 89 percent.

Here to view the entire press release.

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Smurfit Kappa

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