The first apple and pear crop forecasts made public

Prognosfruit 2023 being held at Trentino, Italy, gathering more than 300 people from the pear and apple sector of Europe and further. In the initial sessions of the conference, Pear and apple crop projections for the coming season were announced.

In 2023, apple crop within the EU of the most productive nations that contribute to the projection is expected to fall by 3,3percent compared to this year’s crop, which was a total of 11.410.681 tonnes. But, this year’s yield is comparable to what was the average for the last three years (+0,3 percent). In terms of the major types, Golden Delicious is set to rise by 11,7 percent for a total of 2.167.899 tons. Gala, the second-largest variation, is projected to increase by an average of 4,8 percent (1.527.179 tons in total). In addition, both Red Delicious and Idared, however expect to see a decrease in their production (-10 percent and -6,1 percent, in each case).

The EU pear crop in 2023 is expected to shrink by 12,9% when compared with the last year’s crop, which was an estimated total number of 1.745.632 t. The decrease is due to a dramatic reduction in the production of Italy (-63 percent compared to 2022) in addition to an increase in French and Dutch volume (-28,6 percent and -3,1 percent, and -3,1% respectively). The 2023 production of Conference Pears is predicted to rise by 8 percent increasing to 928.081 tons. William BC pear production is, however will decrease by 36,88%. Abate Fetel’s production is predicted to fall to 52.846 tonnes (-69.3 percent)

The European tendencies are similar with those of the other countries that are located in the Northern Hemisphere, such as China (whose apple harvest is expected to be stable at 37.2 million tonnes) in contrast, the US expects an apple harvest of 4,5 million tonnes (3,6 percent lower than 2022). The Indian apple harvest is predicted to shrink in excess of 30 percent (1,9 million tonnes in all). The production of pears is expected to decrease in the US is expected to decrease by 3,7 percent (502.000 tonnes in all) and China’s production expected to rise by 10 percent (17,6 million tonnes).

WAPA Secretary General Philippe Binard commented on the projections: “The season is starting on a high note, with a fairly small crop, there is no cross-over of those in the Southern Hemisphere, empty stocks of the last season as well as the continuous renovation of orchards”. He also said “We must continue checking the climate conditions in addition to tackling disease and pests while taking care of geopolitical as well as problems with access to markets”. In the near in the future Binard stated: “There are many opportunities to increase apple and pear consumption over the next few months and raise prices in line with the value and environmental well-being, and nutritional benefit of both apples and pear”.