South Australian exotic mushroom makes advancements as the burger line hits retail stores

The Epicurean Food Group (EFG) is pleased to announce the introduction of its line of exotic burgers made with mushrooms and are currently accessible at Foodland Supermarkets and Tony & Marks outlets across the State. The EFG’s mushroom farm is located within the old Holden car painting facility is a result of a decision to decrease the need for imported Oyster, Shiitake, Enoki the Lion’s Mane, Shiitake, and a variety of other wild mushroom species.

Its Mr. Umami range currently includes four different burger patties which include Moroccan Spice, Veggie Goodness, Fresh Herbs, and Kimchi Chilli. The Mr. Umami will be the label for the EFG’s exotic mushrooms, sausages, crumbles and bites. Umami is a word used by foodies which refers to foods with a delicious satisfying taste and, as EFG’s founder Ken King explains, their gourmet mushroom burgers satisfy all tastes and the choices of food.

“The benefit of this item is the fact that it provides delicious, nutritious and extremely satisfying food experiences that vegans as well as those who eat meat can appreciate,” explained King.

After its launch at the close in January of this year, EFG has made significant steps towards bringing the operation to commercial size and has already begun supplying the leading independent supermarket Foodland Supermarkets with oysters fresh at 45 locations. Seven Tony & Marks stores in South Australia stock the Mr. Umami range.

The production has increased accordingly and there are six grow rooms currently in full production. Epicurean is currently working toward SQF accreditation to enable it to offer major retailers like Coles as well as Woolworths The firm has incorporated into the market with its revolutionary vertically integrated strategy for new and exotic cultivation methods.

In order to prepare for its business successful, EFG has also bolstered its management and leadership team by appointing former Cibo Coffee CEO Solomon Farrah as its Chief Operation Officer and the hiring of highly skilled Morgan Cook as Financial Controller. The company now employs a group comprised of three full-time scientists who assist in its research and are building an unusual mushroom farm’s infrastructure under the supervision by Rob Smeets, one of the Australian industry’s best engineers Rob Smeets.

The EFG burgers are cooked on-site at a commercial kitchen, with its unique mushrooms with the freshest local produce. “We are the only company to offer an innovative way of preparing exotic mushrooms that includes a journey starting with the culture of mushroom to fresh food items and products made from mushrooms with the best quality. The company has made substantial progress from the beginning and we are able to believe that we’ve got the possibility of becoming the largest nationwide as well as international source of exotic mushrooms as well as related products in not too distant in the near future,”” King added.

More information is available here:

Dale Aitken

Epicurean Food Group
