Large avocado farm opens in Naivasha, Kenya

In the wake of the establishment of a massive farm in Naivasha from the Israeli investor, the avocado industry within the area has seen an important growth. The 160 acres Granot International farm in Ndabibi region in Naivasha will employ more than 1,000 people. Over the next two years, this number will be expected to increase by three times.

Farm’s chief executive Giyora Mesrom stated they’d bring 70 years of knowledge in cultivation of avocados throughout the region. Giyora said that the cost of the production process to be affordable and cost-effective when compared with their rivals in Peru, Chile and Spain. He acknowledged that the price of production was an all-encompassing problem that was caused due to climate change and increasing prices of fuel.

The farm was home to nearly 300,000 seeds that would assist farmers by introducing technology that could increase yields as the seeds were in high demande across the globe.
