China’s Panzhihua mango exports are growing as do new markets.

The mango harvest period within Panzhihua, Sichuan started at the end of May, and is currently at its highest. The varieties that are available during the season include Kate Mango and Jinhuang Mango in particular. Kate Mango is the most exportable type in Sichuan mangoes.

As per the Mr. Xu Tianrong of Panzhihua Xiguo Agriculture Co., Ltd because of the favorable climate of the region of production this year, output is double or tripling compared last year. Likewise, the amount of exported has grown in line with the increase.

Kate Mango

“Last year’s harvest wasn’t as good because of the frigid spring conditions within the region of production that affected the set of fruit. This year’s weather is generally favorable, and the mango production has increased three times more than the year before, and also the quality is excellent. This year, the growing zone also had extreme temperatures as well as less rainfall and this had an effect on the growth period of fruit. As a result, they are tinier than they were before. Previous times, one mango was about 0.75kg however this year, it measured 0.5-0.75kg. This could be good news since, actually the type of mango is less hefty in its size, and is more to be in line with what is popular.”

“Due to the increased production, the cost has decreased by around 20% when compared with the previous year. Because the prices are less competitive, this year’s exports have been increasing. As an example, currently exported mangoes are approximately 600-700 tons. This is about two-to-three times more than that time last year. Price has increased slightly during the past few days, but the price for exports overall remains constant. Response from the market is positive, and orders arrive in a steady stream and sales growth has been improving.

“On contrary the amount of foreign-based trade firms that have bought fruit at the place they were originally purchased is increasing significantly in the past year. A large portion of them have never before experienced fresh fruit this year. That is among the main reasons behind the rise in the exports of this year’s season.”

Export markets for Xiguo Agriculture are Singapore, Malaysia, Canada in addition to Russia. In this year’s edition, Kyrgyzstan, Indonesia, as well as Nepal are added. Alongside cooperation with foreign trade organizations local mango manufacturing companies have been trying to sell their own products over the last two years and created more export markets.

When discussing the competition from overseas of Panzhihua mangoes Xu stated that even though Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam as well as others Southeast Asian countries also produce mangoes, mangoes from these regions begin going for sale in the month of October. Panzhua’s mango harvest season is through the month of May until December and its staggered sales increase its advantage in the market.

In the market in China, Xu said that the overall volume of sales is satisfactory However, because of the high production this year, growth rate is low, putting pressure on the area of production. Additionally, following September, local citrus fruits will be introduced in succession and could have some impact upon this year’s mango market. In contrast the cost of mangoes have dropped in this time of year, however the price of agriculture and labor is increasing in the last few months, reducing the margin of profit. The good news is that the quantity of sales has increased that has eased the burden regarding profit.

Panzhihua Xiguo Agriculture Co., Ltd. is involved in the cultivation of fruit, processing wholesale and sales import and export trade as well as other business. It owns a Cold Storage and Packaging Factory. The primary products include mango as well as pomegranate and dragon fruit.

Additional information:
Xu Tianrong

Panzhihua Xiguo Agriculture Co., Ltd
Tel: +86 13882346548