TopFruit is celebrating 40 years of Fruit Innovation and Growth

TopFruit celebrates the four decades of its history as an innovator within the South African and international fruit industry. This significant milestone reflects the company’s dedication to advancing the industry, creating lasting connections and changing the market landscape.

TopFruit’s earliest ancestors

Since the company’s inception since the year 1983, TopFruit introduces new types of pome fruits Stone fruits, table grapes fruit, kiwifruit and even nuts. Through this, the firm has become the official custodian of many kinds of fruit, and has brought benefits to growers, breeders and customers alike. With a committed team of experts and a wide range of products for the fruit market, TopFruit continues to be an industry leader in its market.

The incredible adventure of TopFruit started with the imaginative thoughts of Dr. Jim Button, Roy Jeffery and Richard Hill. Three pioneers of the industry recognized the need for better fruits and made the courageous step of founding an independent company that would bring amazing international fruits in South Africa. Since the beginning, TopFruit has been dedicated to testing and introducing different varieties of fruit from all over the globe. Following on from its early achievements, TopFruit expanded beyond apples by diversifying into pears table grapes, stone fruit in recent years, as well as into kiwifruits, berries and nuts.

Through careful evaluation of their ability to adapt and potential for commercialization, TopFruit ensures that only the most desirable varieties are introduced to the market. The commitment to quality is not just a benefit to breeders, but has also offered farmers with an array of choices to

boost their earnings and enhance their enhance their revenue and practices in agriculture.

The firm recognized the crucial importance of intellectual property for the marketing of fruit and came up with a model that is sustainable by the charging of royalties on production and trademarks. They also keeping a healthy balance between increasing production and ensuring the highest quality of production.

standards. The decision received with a lot of resistance because it challenged the old system of coordination between fruit producers by forming industry-specific organizations. In spite of initial opposition towards this new and innovative method of introducing new varieties, this move led to TopFruit to develop brand names that lifted fruit beyond being just a commodity to providing consumers with a company they can recognize and trust, with consistent and pleasant food experience.

The TopFruit business is the focus of

The core of the TopFruit’s business is its materials management and plant services. Conforming to the requirements of government, TopFruit manages the importation of varieties to be evaluated and also provides support

The evaluation and creation of local developed varieties or the evaluation and establishment of locally developed varieties as well as mutations. The firm also oversees import permit applications and monitors the process of importing and quarantining plants, making sure they are in the compliance of regulations while protecting the integrity of the business.

TopFruit’s successes over the course of the last four years

One of TopFruit’s most known and reputable brands are the Pink Lady(r) apple. It is derived in the Cripps Pink Cripps Pink. The high standards of quality that the apples have to meet prior to being branded as pink Lady(r) apple guarantees customers a premium quality fruit.

This revolutionary idea of attaching trademarks to the varieties swiftly was adopted as the norm in the market as well as TopFruit being a key player in promoting this method within South Africa. The present Pink Lady(r) is

TopFruit is the flagship brand for the company, and the company is the manager of the pink Lady(r) label within South Africa.

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Herschelle Mentoor


Tel: +27 21874 1033
