Tech can bridge the gap between agriculture and the political system in Spain

Farmable, which is a supplier of Farm Management Software (FMS) and has achieved an important milestone through collaboration in the system of SIEX project that is led by Spanish Agrarian Guarantee Fund (FEGA). Castilla y Leon, one of the first communities to be established within Spain and has been able to successfully establish an active API connectivity between Farmable and the government’s document program for farmers.

The achievement highlights the partnership among the development teams of Castilla y Leon, the central SIEX project as well as Farmable itself, and marks an important milestone towards respect of the current European Union (EU) agricultural rules.

“It’s the turning point of European farming, that the federal system has emphasized the interoperability of commercial tools in farming, and ultimately gives farmers a choice on the best way to meet the compliance requirements,” explains Farmable CEO, Lars Petter Blikom.

The EU has put in place stricter rules that require specific documentation and the reporting of practices used that farmers use across the 28 member nations. Since Spain is one of the largest producers of food, Spain has proactively developed digital tools to assist farmers in meeting the new requirements of reporting. The most notable of these is the Cuaderno Digital of Explotacion (CUE) that is an online tool that tracks and reporting on plant protection treatment fertilization, as well as other important data. To encourage Spanish farmers to utilize the CUE farms that voluntarily submit their data during the 2024 season will likely to receive a higher priority during the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) applications and will be subject to less scrutiny, or even less penalties in the coming season.

In establishing an seamless API connection to the federal system for reporting, Farmable has simplified the farming process of compliance for farmers who are located in Castilla y Leon, demonstrating how effective collaboration can be between central and regional development teams.

David Sanchez Lopez, Project Coordinator for SIEX David Sanchez Lopez, Project Coordinator at SIEX, applauded the collaboration project, noting, “The successful implementation of the live API connection demonstrates the commitment of both the private and public private sectors to making the compliance process for farmers easier. This achievement reflects the sector’s common vision of an efficient and technologically advanced agriculture sector.”

Some of the key features of Farmable’s live link to the federal reporting system includes automated data exchange seamless integration, continuous updates, and improved effectiveness. Farmable would like to express its gratitude to the development team located in Castilla y Leon and the central SIEX project for their devoted efforts in making this feat feasible. Farmers from Castilla y Leon are encouraged to use this live connection, and to explore the ways it could help simplify their compliance with Cuaderno Digital de Explotacion and other requirements of the regulatory system.

For further information, click here.

Kaye Hope


Tel: +47 46838504
