MSC’s new shipping service that extends from Eastern Cape to Europe welcomed by South African Citrus Growers

The Citrus Growers’ Association of Southern Africa (CGA) is extremely pleased to announce another direct shipping service directly from Ports Ngqura as well as Port Elizabeth for the export of fresh citrus. MSC recently launched another service which will be available every Tuesday starting at the last day of May through the start of September in the midst of the summer citrus harvest. MSC has been providing the citrus industry with services to ship its products for a long time and the new service is an exciting development.

“This new service is good announcement for Eastern Cape citrus growers. The members of Patensie and on Sundays, River Valley and Kat River that export high-quality, quality citrus to Europe can avail this service and help ensure jobs as well as the much-needed foreign income for the country.

“The CGA looks forward to this year’s season with an optimistic outlook. The fruits on the trees appear to be very healthy and we anticipate a higher production in the upcoming season. It is possible to set an additional record-breaking number of exported cartons. The forecast suggests that South Africa can, with the participation of all the role players grow its exports of citrus from the last 165.1 million 15kg boxes to 260 million boxes before 2032. It will not just generate an increase in revenue but will also generate 100 000 additional jobs at farms as well. This is why it’s important that the CGA is grateful for the increase in capacity in the shipping industry,” said Justin Chadwick CGA’s CEO. CGA.

More information is available here:

Justin Chadwick

Citrus Growers Association
