The Warulwadi farmers ship their first shipment with bananas Iraq and expect $11,632 per one hectare

Farmers from Warulwadi, Junnar taluka, typically known for their quality export grapes, are beginning to cultivate export-grade bananas. This is an entirely new source of income. Rutuparna Meher, an ingenuous farmer has created history in the form of the world’s first container that was air-conditioned for exported-grade bananas to Iraq. The project was aided by Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Narayangaon, Deccan Valley Farmers Producer Company as well as Sahyadri Farmers Producer Company.

The official launch ceremony of the cargo of bananas was held in KVK Narayangaon. It was attended by the container delivered by banana growers Monika Meher, Rama Meher as well as Rutuparna Meher in the presence of the MLA Sharad Sonawane as well as KVK president Anil Meher, among other prominent figures. The 15-ton cargo, which consists of 1,540 bananas, will arrive in Iraq in the next eight days, via Mumbai’s Nhava Sheva Port. It will meet the ever-growing demand of Gulf countries.

Anil Meher commented, “Farmers who live in Junnar and Ambegaon Talukas are being coached to implement export-quality cultivation of bananas by KVK’s assistance. The efforts are also in progress to investigate the export possibilities for other crops such as Okra. This could happen in the near-term.” Rutuparna Meher began this endeavor through the planting of G-9 bananas on two acres, with an investment of 435 dollars (Rs2.7 lakh) per hectare to plant saplings, drip irrigation as well as fertilizers. The first harvest produced the equivalent of 68 tonnes of bananas per hectare. 56 tons of the fruit meeting standards for export and sold for around $0.40 (Rs32) per kilo. Meher is expecting to earn about 11,000$ (Rs9 lakh) per hectare through exports.

Deccan Valley Farmers Producer Company has started banana clusters in a number of Talukas. They have already shipped 14 container of bananas into Gulf countries. Despite the recent weather that has impacted prices, the farmers continue to record an average of 40-50 tonnes per area.

Source: The Bridge Chronicle