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1 year ago

[Food Crisis] Rising fertilizer prices are greatly exacerbating the problem of agricultural commodity prices, says the assistant Director General of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) .

Their has never been a better time to invest in food production. Click the below link to read full article.

#food #agriculture ... See more

1 year ago

It’s Mango season: A Guide to the Best Mangoes in Thailand

Thai mangoes are a beloved staple in Thailand. Its versatility in both sweet and savoury dishes has drawn tourists from every corner of the globe.

Visitors eagerly explore the streets of Bangkok and Phuket, eager to savour local favourites like mango sticky rice or a refreshing spicy mango salad. The distinct flavour of Thai mangoes sets them apart from others, making them an undeniable ... See more

1 year ago

China’s Durian Imports Surge Over 50% in First Half of 2023.

Data from China Customs indicate that China’s durian imports in the first six months of this year reached a volume of 787,000 metric tons and a value of $3.83 billion, corresponding to year-on-year increases of 57.1% and 64.9%, respectively. Click below to read full ... See more

1 year ago

[Food Crisis] McDonald's stops tomato use in India as prices surge 445%. Tomatoes are a staple in Indian cuisine with the crisis leading to rationing by F&B outlets. Tomatoes are now more expensive than petrol.

#plantationsinternational #Tomatoes #mangoes #delpingo #india

1 year ago

China bans Mangoes from Taiwan amid political tensions, causing a positive upward movement in Thailand's mango prices.

#plantationsinternational #mango #mangoes #delpingo #china #taiwan

1 year ago

[Breaking News] In the first five months of this year, Thailand's fruit exports to China grew by a staggering 365%, thanks to the fast tracking of the China-Laos Railway.

Click below to read the full article...

#plantationsinternational #durian #musangking #mango #mangoes #unitedtropicalfruit #delpingo

1 year ago

Its official ... "Cash is Trash". Saving money in the bank in the current environment is one of the worst things you can do. Inflation will eat away at your savings and buying power very quickly.

Billionaires across the globe including JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon and hedge fund manager Ray Dalio all agree that diversification into alternative asset classes is key to mitigating inflationary risk and having a well rounded portfolio.

If you would like to learn more about diversifying your portfolio ... See more

1 year ago

Plantations International is very pleased to announce that effective August 1, 2023, our fixed income, asset-backed green bonds have become tradable on the Vienna ESG Exchange, Austria premier market place for sustainable investments. This listing not only broadens the accessibility of our offering but it also provides increased liquidity for its participants.

The bonds offer an 9.26% annualized yield with dividends disbursed quarterly, and Citibank Europe serves as the custodial bank.

The ... See more

1 year ago

We are very pleased to announce that international auditing and accounting firm BDO has completed its tree count audit of or Kanchanaburi mango plantation in Thailand and their final report states as of July 4, 2023 our mango plantation has a total of 14,400 total mango trees, of which 14,344 are growing healthy and well and only 56 are not.

This is a mortality rate of just 0.38%, which is well below the industry standard of 10% for a new plantation that is under three years old.

This highly ... See more

1 year ago

Farmers are the backbone of society - We must protect our food chain at all costs!

#plantationsinternational #durian #durianharvests #musangking #mango #mangoes #agarwood #unitedtropicalfruit #agriculture #farming #sustainability