Scottish Berry supplier joins hands with a berry producer to obtain an exclusive license for the production of high-end strawberry

Angus Soft Fruits and Earth Market We are delighted to announce a unique collaboration. Angus Soft Fruits are now the sole license holders for the cultivation of the strawberry Magnum(r) within the UK.

Recent years Angus Soft Fruits have established Magnum as one of the most sought-after best varieties available in the UK market. Magnum (PBR MARIONNET97) which is a flowering variety in June is well-suited to the mild Scottish weather where lengthy hot summer days yield amazingly fruit that is sweet.

Angus as well as Earth Market will run a collective consumer awareness program aimed to increase awareness of Magnum as the newest version of the AVA(tm) range of varieties.

John Gray, Managing Director of Angus stated “Magnum is an amazing fruit that gives the company a chance to win; it is perfect for our conditions for growing and giving our customers an excellent flavor, consistent delicious berry that has a long shelf-life.”

Willian Munoz Cadena, Head of Business Development at Earth Market commented “Angus have performed admirably in creating Magnum to be used in the UK market. I am looking forward to working together with and the Angus team to continue building on this great success into the future.”

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