The cost of electricity is 133 per cent for UK producers of apples.

A study conducted by British Apples & Pears Limited (BAPL) cultivators discovered that they’re paying nearly double the amount for electric power in December 2022 as they did at the same time between 2021 and 2020.

The average price that was paid by UK apple farmers per kilowatt-hour was 15p in 2020, then 16p by 2021 and 35p in 2022. According BAPL, according to BAPL the leading apple industry is in dire need of the support of government to help farmers are able to survive amid these incredible price pressures.

“Our sector has invested heavily in renewable energy as well as state-of-the-art storage technologies, yet we must still purchase large quantities of electricity in order for cooling our produce following the harvest.” explained Ali Capper, BAPL Executive Chair. “These prices for electricity have a direct impact on UK producers.”

BAPL calls on the UK government to add the best fruit industries in the Energy and Trade Intensive Industries (ETII) program, in order farmers can be eligible for an additional subsidy with their energy bills. Farmers who signed new contracts during the winter months of Autumn/Winter find themselves in costly contracts that do not last and, as of yet the government hasn’t changed the rules to allow for sustainable growth.

“We have the ability to provide homegrown apples throughout the year This is great to reduce food miles as well as UK security of food, however it is necessary to keep them in storage until they are in demand by consumers.” Capper continues. Capper. “There is a risk that, without additional assistance from government agencies to help cover the more storage expenses, farmers could decide not to cultivate these delicious and healthy apples at all in the first. It would be an utter disaster for the ecosystem of our country as well as our food security, and the overall health of our country.”

To find out more about the utilization of renewable energy for energy production in British orchards of apples and pears and packhouses, please refer to: Sustainability: An increasing focus on British Apples and Pears in a study from professor Louise Manning from the Royal Agricultural University.

More information is available here:

Louise Raisbeck

British Apples and Pears

Tel: 07966 688063
