Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables equivalent to walking an extra 4,000 steps every day’

Recent research indicates that an eat-well diet that is rich in fruits vegetables, whole grains and other veggies may be as beneficial to your heart as taking more than 4,000 steps per day. The research is released in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. The study sought to determine the effects that eating the foods mentioned had on the physical condition.

The participants in the study took an Harvard semi-quantitative survey of food frequency in order that their diet practices could be evaluated. The study also included a high-intensity fitness test, that involved measuring their oxygen intake when cycling.

“This study presents one of the strongest and most reliable evidence thus that supports the notion that healthier diets can increase fitness levels,” the study’s the study’s author Michael Mi of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in an announcement. “The improvements in fitness found in those who ate more nutritious diets is similar to the benefits of completing daily 4,000 steps.”
