Polish apple trees are flourishing in India

The mild spring temperatures were not a factor on Polish apple crop. As per Mohamed Marawan, owner of Polish exporter of apples Sarafruit which means the production will remain similar as last year’s, with the exception in the case of Red Prince apples.

“When talking about general conditions all is fine for conditions in Polish temperatures. Spring frosts have not been significant either in terms of quantity and the quality. In looking at the apples, the numbers appear similar to the ones from the previous year’s Golden as well as Gala varieties. When we talk about red prince apples Red Prince apples, volumes are expected to be less all over Poland. The reason for this is that the trees yielded a great deal of fruit last year and are expected to produce fewer this season.”

The orchards of Sarafruit isn’t a big deal whether the drought is continuing. It is predicted that rain will come in the near future, as the farmer says “Recently the conditions in Poland was quite dry and without rain. Our irrigation system has covered that however, and we do not need to be concerned about whether there being any rain, or whether it will. For those who don’t have irrigation, it appears that the issue will be fixed soon, given that rain is expected this morning and for throughout the next week. Sarafruit will be cultivating our standard cultivars as well as brand new varieties, such as Red Cap and Golden varieties.”

Marawan declares that the total acres of apples in Poland has been declining, but the decline isn’t at a rate that concerns me. A few cultivators are planting different varieties that are replacing the older varieties also. “The growing of apple trees in Poland is slowed down a bit and this could indicate that some farmers have cut old varieties while planting any new varieties or using their land for other agricultural methods. Others are adding orchards on top of it, meaning that this isn’t an extreme drop only a minor decline in the overall Polish area for apple cultivation.”

In response to a question about the alternatives that are Marawan because the Egyptian market was inaccessible to export the product last year, Marawan believes India is doing exceptionally well over the last few months: “One of the markets which has performed extremely good has been the Indian Market. It is also the reason that some Polish apple farmers have changed their apple varieties to be able to serve this market more efficiently. This means that there are more varieties for clubs all over the world, but only it will be interesting to see the importance of this market to be for Polish apple varieties. Personally, I will never leave this market. Egyptian market. It is a well-known market within the Middle East and export massive quantities of our products into Egypt. I believe that the market is going to recover We just need additional time. In the meantime, we’ll be investing since we’re building a brand new sorting house and pack that will include new cooling logistics capacities in the governorate in Bialystok and located in the northern part of Poland.”

Mohamed Marawan


Tel: +48 537 935 155

Email: office@sarafruit.eu
