NAPMN predicts a significant increase in US potato harvest

In the month of March, North American Potato Market News (NAPMN) predicted that the US 2023 potato harvest to reach 429.6 millions hundredweight (cwt) that’s over 37 million more than the previous year’s comparatively small harvest. This would mean an increase of 9.5 percent growth.

This year’s North Dakota crop is projected to be 25.1 million cwt, which will increase by 9.2 percentage from the last. NAPMN estimates Minnesota to fall by 3.9 percentage based upon the fact that there are 2,200 less acres planted. The Idaho crop is predicted to be 20% more than the previous year’s crop, which was 145 million cwt which is more than 24 million cwt rise. Washington is expected to generate more than 7 million additional cwt during the year.

The Canadian harvest estimate was revised the week before and Canada is predicted to yield 126.5 million tonnes of cwt. This is which is up 3.6 million tonnes from the year before, which is an increase of 2.9 percentage growth. The forecast for the Manitoba potato harvest to be 8percent larger, with 28.2 million tonnes compared to 26.1 in the last crop. It is expected that the Canadian Prairie Provinces will be increasing by 13%, and the Maritimes are predicted to drop 4.3 percent.

Click here to read the entire report.

Visit this link to access the USDA Potatoes 2022 summary.


Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies