Myanmar rice farmers are expecting a prices to rise as their declining production could limit supply in the future.

Farmers who live in Myanmar expect a possible increase in the price of yams and are considering the expansion of plantations. Although the amount of farmers who cultivate yam is decreasing, worries about supply of raw materials in the next few years have led certain to look for secure land to plant.

Ko Salai from Cherrymye Yam Trading in Mindat Township explained that yam plantation zones have drastically decreased. “Yam is most commonly used in areas of highland however, plantations are declining dramatically from 2025. This may lead to an insufficient supply of raw materials in 2026, 2027 and 2028. Chin State, a major producer of yams, is not able to grow, and prices will rise as production shifts elsewhere,” he said.

Yam cultivation needs minimal care. Farmers from Shan State’s Pindaya and Ywangan regions generally plant yams and clear out all weeds, then take the root crop in the later stages. The month of November, 2024 saw many farmers from southern Ye Township turned to yam cultivation for commercial use. The yam farming area could earn around $15,000 in revenue, resulting from higher yields, and lower prices when compared with other regions.

Source: The Global

Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies