Mao Shan Wang durians remain a Malaysian brand until 2034

Malaysia has renewed national intellectual property (IP) protections for this durian variety, the Musang King durian that is commonly also known as Mao Shan Wang in Singapore in Singapore as Mao Shan Wang, extending its validity to March 12th 2034. This renewal, as approved through MyIPO, the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO) which guarantees the only branding rights of this durian species to Malaysia which was emphasized by the Agriculture and Food Security Minister Mohamad Sabu. In a press gathering held in Serdang, Selangor, for the release of the Durian Technology Package book, Minister Mohamad Sabu highlighted the recognition of Mao Shan Wang under a geographic indication (GI) as of the 13th of March, 2014.

The term GI is a product that has particular geographical roots and a quality or a name due to that location, according to the World Intellectual Property Organisation. It is a crucial distinction in the case of agricultural products, food items as well as other products which allows the rightful owners to protect their rights from the misuse of third-party companies that do not conform to the standards set by. This renewal is designed to safeguard the reputation of durians and its quality and recognize its increasing popularity internationally, particularly in countries such as China. Malaysia has begun exporting fresh durians into China from August 24 considers it an opportunity to increase its status as an important durian exporter. Recently, there were shipment totaling around 40 tons. The insatiable demand from China of Mao Shan Wang durians, even though they are expensive is a reminder of the importance to ensure authenticity and quality which is protected through IP as well as GI registrations.

Source: The Straits Times

Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies