“Last year, everybody was hopeful during the time of onion harvest however, things turned out to be a disaster This year, however it could prove to be contrary.”

Onion graders are having a wonderful time in the present. “The prices are good, and there’s a lot of demand everywhere. In the past, rates were prohibitive for many countries, however this year, they are able to handle it more effectively,” observes Marius Jansen from J. Jansen & Zonen Onion Trading. “I anticipate a major rise in the numbers of exports during the past couple of weeks. I am predicting that they’ll be in excess of 30,000 tons given the amount of work that is going on.”

“Bale price for medium-sized onion are about 20 cents. Fine onions are with 21 cents while supers can be purchased at 23 cents. “So there’s a rising trend in the market,” adds Marius who owns the farm along with his siblings Pieter, Henk, and his son Jaco. “Last year, the prices were up to 40-50 cents. But it also hindered exports quite significantly at the period. In the past, everybody was optimistic about the coming season and the outlook, however not so currently. But, the season turned out in a different way last year, and the coming year may likely be the exact opposite. The biggest challenge this year will be apparent in the coarse supers and onions.”

“We have been doing a lot of grading. However, because of the onset of summer it is causing some quality problems. These issues will be revealed in the near future, particularly with regards to internal quality. I’m anticipating some serious problems. This is going to be interesting, particularly as we enter the second quarter of the season.” adds the player. JJK has ordered two units of Flikweert Vision for the upcoming season. “I’ve been able to see them at work and have complete confidence in them. They will help reduce the amount of labor required.”

J. Jansen & Sons Onion Trade concentrates on the sorting and packing of onions to exporters. It also ships industrial onions in Eastern Europe. “A large amount of onions have already been shipped to industry facilities in Poland. There are quality problems in the Netherlands however, the same happens to farmers from Germany, Poland, and others European nations. Jaco visited Poland this week and he found that the Polish onions are definitely not as good as previous years. So, I can see lots of possibilities to supply to the Polish packing industry as well as the packing companies.”

For additional information, click here:

Marius Jansen

J. Jansen & Sons Onion Trade B.V.

Hansweertsestraatweg 41

4416 ND Kruiningen

Tel: 0113-382932

[email protected]

Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies