Kyrgyzstan stops exports of dried vegetables to five countries

Between the months of January to November 2024 Kyrgyzstan exports 141.2 tonnes of dried vegetables which is a significant decrease from 667.7 tons in the same timeframe in 2023. Most significant shifts occurred when exports were made to countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkmenistan and Ukraine.

Exports to Afghanistan was stopped entirely by 2024. Exports to Iraq fell to 45.8 tonnes, a decrease from 276.9 tonnes last year. Exports to Turkmenistan as well as Ukraine have also declined.

Nevertheless, in spite of the decline overall some positive trends were observed. Kyrgyzstan began to supply dried vegetables to Germany (6.5 tonnes), Italy (0.1 tons) as well as France (1.3 tonnes) by 2024. Furthermore, exports to United Arab Emirates rose to 47.8 tons, up from 37.1 tonnes in 2023. South Korea also significantly increased its imports, hitting 9.9 tonnes.


Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies