Kashmir Valley fruit growers urge the government to restore Market Intervention Scheme

Kashmir Valley fruit growers are insisting on the revival of the Market Intervention Scheme (MIS) in light of this year’s high amount of low-grade (C-grade) apples. According to growers they believe that the MIS was implemented by the former administration, was a vital assistance to farmers, by providing an affordable amount for their product regardless of whether it had been damaged by any cause.

The President Bashir Ahmad Basheer of the All Kashmir Fruit Growers Union stated that as part of this program that the government bought every product that was substandard at a low cost, which ensured the highest quality produce is available outside of Jammu as well as Kashmir. “This year, about 30%-45% of the apple harvest is classified as a C-grade, due to the difficulties caused by weather that affect the growers. Despite numerous appeals for the attention of the Lieutenant Governor (LG) administration but no actions have been taken at the local level to implement the MIS program.”

Source: greaterkashmir.com

Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies