Japan Table grapes can be valued in gold

Japan has a distance so that even on the food and vegetable front, it could just entice curiosity, particularly in the case of 18 berry wines valued at 30 euros. This is the reason why the speech of Toshihiko Saito, the Deputy Director in the Fruit Production Division of the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) from Japan is so highly anticipated. Saito will speak in the Macfrut Grape Symposium on Wednesday 8 May. He will be speaking on “The Situation of Table Grape Producing and Research In Japan. ”

Table grapes in Japan was 16400 acres (2021 information) and the yield was 162,600 tonnes. The worth of this production was estimated to be greater than the 190 billion dollars (1,172 million euros) It is the most expensive among all the fruit trees.

“Until the turn of the 20th century there was there was only Vitis labruscana Baily had been extensively established in Japan and after that, many European and American vines were introduced among them the American Delaware one, which was among the major cultivars chosen for planting all across the nation,” explains Saito, looking forward to some of the debate issues of his keynote talk during the conference at Macfrut.

Seedless varieties began to show up in Japan in the late 20th century. “Several appealing varieties like Kyoho and Pione were made available by private cultivators at the beginning in the century. Around the same time when the seeds-free table grapes started to attract commercial attention thanks to the introduction treatment with giberellic acids. Utilizing this method, the cultivars Kyoho and Pione started to develop in large numbers, and production of Delaware increased. Additionally, greenhouses were created to prolong the duration of growing.

Source: here

“The Table Grape Genetic Improvement program started in 1968 as part of NARO, the Japanese government-funded program called NARO and ‘Shine Muscat which was launched in 2006” He continued. The variety, popular for its unique high-quality and production characteristics is a major factor in the increasing promotion of the cultivation of table grapes in Japan and has led to the increase in the use of this variety. The area being cultivated to Shine Muscat is expected to be identical to that of Kyoho’s primary Kyoho. Kyoho.

Macfrut Table Grape Symposium

The table grapes industry is gathered at Macfrut which is a three-day celebration (from 8-10 May 2024) that will bring all of the players in the production chain, including major important players, market experts Universities, Agronomists, and techs. The main focus is table grapes. They are the symbol item of the 41st edition of Macfrut. The event has been partnered with Puglia the main Italian producer.

The first day of the symposium will dedicate to the MacFruit Conference featuring experts from across the globe (8 May) and the following day will be devoted to the MacFruit World Conference about manufacturing and market trends (Thursday 9 May) The third day is dedicated to MacFruit on the ground including technical tours to the demonstration space inside the show (Friday 10 May). Bruno Mezzetti of The Marches Polytechnic University will be the coordinator of the conference.

For further information, click here.

Macfrut Table Grape Symposium

Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies