In the beginning quarter of this year, Peruvian agricultural exports rose by 8.7 percent.

In the initial third quarter of 2024 Peruvian traditionally and traditional agricultural trade amounted at $2.388 billion i.e. 8.7 percent more than the 2023 period According to the Peruvian Association of Exporters (ADEX).

Agriculture and agribusiness (with an added value) was $2.209 billion, with an 92.4 percentage share and 5.9 percentage growth. Claudia Solano Ore, the union’s Agroexports manager, was pleased with the announcement of Angel Manero, the head of the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (Midagri) which announced that the Executive will present a plan to amend the Agrarian Promotion Law.

“It’s an extremely important step. Law No. 27360, that was removed, is crucial for the expansion of this sector that up until the last few years increased by double figures. It allowed the company to diversify its portfolio and opened up new markets as well as create formal and non-centralized job opportunities,” she stated.

To help to boost these deliveries the spokesperson said that ADEX is carrying out various events, including events like the FDA Summit (in Lima and Trujillo) as well as the 22nd Agro Exporter Lunch (Lima) in the in the last week’s Ginger Week (Satipo, Junin). Additionally, Expoalimentaria 2024, the largest trade fair for food and drinks is scheduled to take place during September.

The most important (non-traditional) Agro-industrial crops were grapes ($449,328,000 despite the fact that they experienced a 28.7 percentage reduction) and blueberries ($341,259,000 and +119.2 percentage) Avocados ($218,000,000 and +65 and +65 %) and mangoes ($189,336,000 and +2 and +2 %) as well as other cacao beans ($78,000,000 and 108.4 percent).

According to the ADEX Data Trade Commercial Intelligence System according to ADEX Data Trade Commercial Intelligence System, the nation exported refrigerated and fresh asparagus, fresh fruit and vegetables and other animals’ feed, paprika mango, bananas mango and quinoa ginger, onions, as well as sweet cookies, in addition to various other goods.

Primary agricultural exports grew by 59.4 percent, and made $179,485,000. Most notable export items included non-roasted and decaffeinated coffee ($155,372,000) and other refined sugars from beet or cane (13 857,000 US dollars) and fine, regular alpaca wool, also known as wool from llama ($2,595,000) as well as bovine hides ($2,087,000) and molasses from cane ($1,758,000).

Markets for destination

The first period of the year Peru exports its (traditional as well as traditional and) agriculture products to 115 market. Most of the markets that were targeted for exports included Peru’s USA ($791 million) as well as the Netherlands ($367 million), Spain ($151 million), Mexico ($120 million) and Chile ($91 millions) that increased demands by 8.4 percentage, 19.7%, 27.5 percentage, 2.1%, and 18.3 percentage, respectively.

For more information:

Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies